Image - Part 2

Scripture Reading - Daniel 3:1 KJV

Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, whose height was threescore cubits, and the breadth thereof six cubits: he set it up in the plain of Dura, in the province of Babylon.

In our first lesson on “Image” we spoke about God making man with an “imagination”. Thus everyone has an “image” of themselves on the inside that will eventually manifest on the outside. A problem we also mentioned is that their “image” of themselves as a person will typically influence their “image” of you. Today, we will expound on this truth by going into a little bit more detail by explaining some different scenarios to establish the point that you must work on your “image” of yourself first as a child of God, not just a good person to properly view others in God’s Light. For the Light of God’s Love is the immeasurable outline of all proper "imagery". The reference scripture clearly states that King Nebuchadnezzar made an “image” of gold. This image of gold signified at least four things first the King wanted everyone to know that he is larger than life (mortal or normal people) because the height of his “image” was very tall. Threescore cubits is approximately 90 feet (26.4 meters) if you use the least measurement of a cubit at 18 inches or 44 centimeters. If we use the larger measurement of a cubit (a long cubit) at 21 inches or 52 centimeters this image height would be 105 feet (31.2 meters). This basically exceeds any height of man implying he is a god reaching up into Heaven, a towering and imposing figure that cannot be moved. Secondly this “image” is six cubits wide which is around 9 feet wide (2.64 meters) using the general measurement for a cubit or 10.5 feet (3.12 meters) wide using the longer cubit measurement. Showing that he is so wide no mortal man can escape (go around) his presence. Implying that his reach (wing span, so to speak) can draw in any normal man as god if he chooses to. Thirdly, we notice that this “image” is made of gold to brag about his wealth and the amount of riches at his deposal. Fourthly, we see that the “image” was put on display in the plain (open area to be viewed from afar off) to bring honor to his name and his person. It goes without saying that this specific “image” is a reflection of King Nebuchadnezzar himself. Don’t think for one minute that this type of behavior is only displayed by Old Testaments kings because we say no, my faith friend, this type of behavior is still commonly displayed today right in front of our eyes. Have you ever noticed large statues of various high profile people? Do you not see many famous people with large public “images” built in their name? Do we promote life size posters of the children’s super heroes on their wall? Do we not see hundreds sometimes thousands of people give public (vocal) adoration (worship) to the marble “images” carved into stone to display a great athletes? Do many people delight in the beauty of the image and praise it’s creator? Yes, many admirers praise the beauty of the “image” publically and openly before others, without a thought about the awesome Creator of all Good Things. Yes, have you ever wondered exactly why the larger banks want to have the highest building or the management of the company typically seeks to be at the top level floors of the building. If people in high positions generally have (or desire to have) hellacious (extremely large) offices on higher floors what is their reason? It is because they want their “image” of themselves to be transferred to those around them. Yes, we could easily point fingers at the exclusive executives but what about the typical worker or family member? Yes, everyone has an “image” of themselves whether good or bad and some paint a larger picture than others. Yes, some parents have an “image” of themselves so deep that triggers a specific intent to mold their beloved children into their predetermined “image” of themselves. This has nothing to do with the pure love of God which created the children for His (The Lord’s) glory, not man’s. Yes, we (ihlcc) have seen even children manipulate certain parents into an uncomfortable “image” of who they want their parents to be, suppliers as opposed to lovers and disciplinarians. Yes, we are quite sure the spoiled child who wants to have all things go his/her way developed into that by the “image” of themselves and projecting that selfish “image” unto their parents. Yes, the troubling thing about this truth is that friends, family and fellow workers are all guilty of projecting their “image” of themselves unto others around them at certain times during their life. Yes, we (ihlcc) are open enough to admit that we have done this too, without realizing it. Until you truly have a revelation about how much your words and actions impact others you will never even realize that your words and actions are your “image” of yourself. Remember, the scripture states that those who accuse others are guilty of the same sins in Matthew 7:1-5. This is truth because what you see in others is more about who you are rather than what they are to God and others. Thus, we should all see people around us clearly for who they were created to be in God’s Eyes rather than our personal eyes (sight, opinion). So for now our desire (our will) is for each person to except Jesus Christ into their life because then they can start the “image” renewal process. Next, we would have every Christian renew their mind to completely agree with the Holy Bible (generally the New Testament teachings and Old Testament principles) to see the correct holy image of God and His ever expanding Love for all people. Upon this transformation you will start seeing others in the Light of God’s Love which will allow you to love people unconditionally and see the potential in people, as opposed to just seeing their fleshly ungodly ways. We all have a flesh to contend with the key is allowing the “image” of God’s Love to dominate your lifestyle (words, thoughts and actions) instead of your fleshly inclinations which are carnally birthed into the “image” of corruption. We do know that God created you in “His Image and Likeness” so please remember that He (Our Awesome God) created others in “His same lmage and Likeness” too. So praise God for “His image” of you and be careful to project that same “image” unto others because if you aren’t truly reflecting Jesus, then just who else are you showing and why? If you are a Christian you should be showing Christ Jesus and if you are not saved please do so right now in Jesus Name by calling unto Him as your Lord and Savoir while denouncing sin and the evil works (ways, practices, deceits, lies, etc…) of this world. You can only be saved through the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ applied to the forgiveness of your sin all other ways to God fall miserably short, so follow us (ihlcc) as we follow Christ Jesus in complete agreement of God’s Holy Written Word (The Holy Bible) for all people to eat, drink and breath. Amen!